Premises Liability

Let Jay Help

With the combined experience of over 100 years of practicing law and having handled over 7,000 cases in Florida, the Firm will put its size and experience to work for you.


Because Results Matter
When the Stakes are High

(954) 566-3111

Premises Liability Lawyers

Premises liability claims are very common in Florida.  For example, slip and falls are a major cause of serious injuries and are often caused by negligence of the owner or maintainer of the property.  These claims can often be difficult to prove, due in part that those that are injured wait to seek legal counsel.   Our experience has taught us that those injured due to a slip and fall are often embarrassed and fail to promptly report the claim to the manager of the business or location of the fall.   Further, many are unaware that just because they are injured on someone else’s premises does not mean that that landowner or store owner will be held responsible.  Typically, some type of negligent conduct, due to poor maintenance or actually creating the dangerous condition, must be proven.  Accordingly,  the lawyers at Katzman Wasserman Bennardini & Rubinstein believe it is essential to contact us immediately so that we can investigate these claims and protect your legal rights.

Our team of lawyers represents those injured due to Slip and Fall Accidents and other premises liability claims throughout Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Orange Counties and throughout the entire State of Florida.

Slip and Fall Lawyers


In the event that a client is injured due to a slip, trip and fall, it is important to note what actually caused the fall.  Sometimes it is due to a liquid on the floor, poor maintenance, leaking refrigeration equipment or other defective condition.  We urge our clients to photograph the area of the fall immediately.   This task is often an easy one–most cell phones have built-in cameras and video capability.  This may provide valuable evidence as to the source of the defect, whether it was directly caused by the premises management, or if it was caused by another customer, whether the management promptly attempted to ensure that it was made safe, and whether proper warnings were provided to the public.  Obviously, once a fall occurs, management will likely quickly remedy the problem–all the more reason to photograph the scene at the time of the fall or injury.  We also encourage our clients to obtain the names and phone numbers of any potential witnesses.  We have found that property management cannot be relied upon to properly investigate and secure witness information

Slip and Fall Attorneys
Slip and Fall Law Firm

Let Jay Help

Fort Lauderdale Premises Liability Lawyers


We encourage our clients to contact us immediately, even if the injury occurs after business hours or on a weekend or holiday.

The property owner will often claim that the fall was caused, in whole or in part, by the person who fell.  Our law firm will immediately begin determining what caused the fall, and what parties may be responsible, such as the property owner, manager, subcontractor(s) or maintenance personnel.   You need a law firm that thoroughly understands the issues that are involved in proving these cases.

Katzman Wasserman Bennardini & Rubinstein Premises Liability Accident Attorneys

We have handled many such cases during the last 25 years.  Each case has its own set of facts and circumstances.  If you or a loved one has been injured due to a defective premises condition, call us immediately for a free consultation.

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